A Limited Number of Romantic Moments

When will you run out of Romantic Moments with your love?

Several years ago, Eddie Murphy starred as Jack in a moved entitled, “A Thousand Words.” The premise is Jack’s wife has had enough of his insincerity. She’s walking out the door when Jack finds out he only has 1,000 words to win her back. And he’s already wasted several hundred words arguing about his limitation.

If you realized you had only a limited number of words to express what your partner means to you, what would you say?

The other morning, during my quiet time, this thought struck my mind like a camera flash at midnight. Someday, I won’t be able to create another Romantic Moment for my sweetie. Someday, one of us will no longer have the ability to enjoy another relationship-building Romantic Moment together. It’s one of those realizations that overwhelms all other thoughts. Leaves a quizzical look on your face.

Now, I don’t want to be morbid about this. Instead, I look at this as a reminder and an incentive to create more Romantic Moments for my honey. And intentionally create Moments which romance her as she prefers to be romanced. As a result:

  • I’ve learned my sweetie’s romantic preference,
  • I continually look for and collect Romantic Moment ideas, and
  • I don’t pass up an opportunity to romance my sweetie.

Life is uncertain. There may not be a limitation on the number of words you have to express your love. But you do have a limited number of Romantic Moments you will be able to create for your love. And you don’t know what that number is.

How does that thought impact you?

  • Will you let this knowledge discourage you from trying?
  • Or will you take every advantage of every opportunity to create another Romantic Moment for your honey?

Robert Beagle, LET

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About RomanceALIVE

Helping people grow relationships via romance. Been studying, researching, observing what is romance and how to be romantic since the 90's.
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