Consistent Romance Is More Attractive

On a recent Sunday afternoon, I headed west on I-40 towards Memphis. The cruise control was set at a speed approximating the posted limit. In my rearview mirror, I noticed a white Mitsubishi Lancer overtaking me at a speed substantially above mine. In this area, I-40 is only two lanes wide in each direction. Courteously, I moved to the right-hand lane.

Five minutes later, I found myself overtaking this same white sedan. As I pulled ahead and the gap between us widened to maybe a quarter mile, the driver apparently realized he was now behind me. His vehicle accelerated, passing me again. This “game” of leap-car continued at least six or seven times, only ending when he disappeared in the distance.

The speed of my car changed little (cruise control). The Mitsubishi’s speed fluctuated greatly. Maybe the driver’s focus wandered between the road and some non-driving activities (I won’t speculate).

This inconsistency happens with people, and with romance.

  • First there’s torrid romance. The romantic homes in to how their new partner wants to be romanced. Romantic Moments are created one after another.
  • Then the romantic disappears like a magician’s rabbit (poof). Few or no Romantic Moments are created. He’s/She’s apparently lost interest.

The result is frustration, discontent and resentment. What happened to the charming romantic? Don’t they still enjoy creating Romantic Moments? Seems they just rode the excitement wave for romance. Then they lost interest.

Relationships created in a fever are less satisfying and usually disappointing. Truth is, it’s better and more satisfying for both of you to have a long, relationship-building romance with a Romantic Moment every 10 days than a torrid gush of 15 consecutive Romantic Moments followed by months devoid of any hint of romance.

Don’t you think your partner would find regular Romantic Moments more enjoyable long term?

Robert Beagle, LET

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About RomanceALIVE

Helping people grow relationships via romance. Been studying, researching, observing what is romance and how to be romantic since the 90's.
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