Long Nights and Romance

Ugh. I don’t like the fall, said Brenda. “Days are shorter. The weather’s colder. And too much darkness.”

Maybe you identify with Brenda.

You love the summer. Long, hot days. Sun’s up early and it’s still light long after bedtime.

Then there’s vacations, Sunday afternoon drives and bonfires with S’mores. Hours for doing things outside with your sweetheart.

Ah, summer’s the time for romance.

When the days shorten, do you begin:

  • Missing romantic getaways to a balmy beaches or forested mountains?
  • Missing time to saunter under the trees or gaze at the stars?
  • Missing summer’s romancing opportunities?

Here are some suggestions on ways you can exploit the change of seasons and keep your Romance Alive.

Take advantage of the magic of upcoming holidays: Christmas/Hanukkah, New Year’s, Valentine’s.

If you live in the northern hemisphere, these holidays happen during the months with shorter days. These holidays seem created for romantic ideas.

Another interesting thing happens with longer nights. They tend to bring us physically closer to each other.

Outdoor activities can get us going in different directions: lawn mowing, sports teams, yardwork. More dark hours tend to bring us together, inside. An earlier sundown can lead to more time at home. As the outdoor chores disappear, dinners lingering into the night are more frequent. These lead to longer, more intimate, deep conversations.

Am I promoting winter as more romantic than summer? No. Not really.

While winter is great for long romantic movies, baking cookies together and snuggling, summers present opportunities for warm walks, sunset drives and blankets under the stars.

It’s all about how you take advantage of every time of year to romance your sweetheart – doing that each season, each month and each day.

OK. I am ready hot chocolate, a blanket and an evening by the fireplace.

Robert, a hopeless romantic

About RomanceALIVE

Helping people grow relationships via romance. Been studying, researching, observing what is romance and how to be romantic since the 90's.
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